Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "guni"

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showing results 201-240 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 113.871,3 - Indian guilders: 759.749,3,6 - number of results: 936.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
5093 guni Bengaals 2,2,8 -
5228 guni lang 598,16 -
5281 guni lang - 759
5284 guni - 3.795
5285 guni - 8.382
5345 guni 42,3 -
5346 guni 17,17 -
5395 guni lang - 7.144,19
5396 guni lang - 5.357
5563 guni 5.397,9 -
5680 guni - 1.021,16
5698 guni - 2.144
5702 guni - 2.144
5724 guni - 268
5729 guni - 130
5749 guni - 65
5755 guni lang Bengaals, voor Padang - 130
5782 guni lang Bengaals - 26
5783 guni - 26,16
5787 guni lang Bengaals - 26,16
5788 guni - 26,16
5789 guni lang - 53,12
5790 guni - 53,12
5811 guni - 130
5813 guni - 1.300
5819 guni - 80,8
5820 guni - 134
5821 guni - 134
5829 guni lang Bengaals - 780
5835 guni - 120
5836 guni - 268
5850 guni lang Bengaals - 187,12
5860 guni - 134
5861 guni lang Bengaals - 214,8
5884 guni - 120
5886 guni - 65
5903 guni 210,5,8 -
5906 guni - 5.461,10
5931 guni 20,15 -
5940 guni - 2.002,10
showing results 201-240 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 113.871,3 - Indian guilders: 759.749,3,6 - number of results: 936.