Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "grein"

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showing results 140-179 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 80.937,2,8 - Indian guilders: 516.026,8,8 - number of results: 299.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
11582 grein - 3.759,13,8
11593 grein - 2.561,17,8
11595 grein - 1.434,16,8
11600 grein - 1.863
11601 grein - 1.371,7,8
11608 grein - 628,10
11611 grein - 2.374,8
11613 grein - 303,1
11764 grein - 3.203,10
11767 grein - 7.086,10
11770 grein - 3.138,4,8
11773 grein - 811,6
11785 grein - 3.254,4
11793 grein - 923,12,8
11796 grein - 4.036,10,8
11797 grein - 828,5
11800 grein - 1.148,1
11803 grein - 707,5
11814 grein - 3.451,3
11824 grein - 2.049,8
11849 grein - 3.770,3,8
11851 grein - 3.408,7,8
11874 grein - 2.428,4
11884 grein - 1.517,11
11890 grein - 1.154,5,8
11897 grein - 1.442,4,8
12036 grein - 666,11
12047 grein - 617
12054 grein - 857,19,8
12077 grein - 817,1,8
12368 grein in soort - 771,8
12486 grein - 627,1
12578 grein - 307,3
12656 grein scharlakenrood - 1.506,7
12819 grein - 497,3,8
12820 grein - 340,17
13135 grein - 3.614,9,8
13155 grein - 892,15
13160 grein - 1.441,12
13210 grein - 808,9
showing results 140-179 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 80.937,2,8 - Indian guilders: 516.026,8,8 - number of results: 299.