Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "cambayen"

Search for voyages with these conditions or search again.

The calculated total value of the results on this screen can give a misleading impression: sometimes the value of a product is not known, because the value is listed only for a group of products taken together. Click here to count only items of which the value is known.

showing results 166-205 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 299.778,14,8 - Indian guilders: 796.332,5,15 - number of results: 365.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
12113 cambayen ruw Kust - 613,10
12115 cambayen ruw Kust - 613,10
12122 cambayen ruw Kust - 613,10
12126 cambayen ruw Kust - 613,10
12319 cambayen ruw Kust - 612,15,8
12345 cambayen ruw Kust - 612,15
12353 cambayen ruw - 618,9
12512 cambayen fijn Kust - 738,6,8
12618 cambayen fijn Kust - 1.276,3
12773 cambayen ruw - 618,15
12778 cambayen ruw - 618,15
12875 cambayen ruw - 1.800
13040 cambayen ruw - 1.800
13133 cambayen - 1.260,3,4
13215 cambayen in soort - 5.044,15,11
13217 cambayen in soort - 46.523,5
13355 cambayen ruw - 1.844,6
13417 cambayen ruw - 369,16,8
13417 cambayen geschilderd - 1.494,7
13432 cambayen fijn - 3.239,4,8
13665 cambayen - 611,13
13673 cambayen ruw Kust - 822,5,8
13674 cambayen ruw Kust - 1.233,12
13702 cambayen ruw - 756,2,8
13796 cambayen ruw Kust - 614
13820 cambayen ruw Kust - 610,14
13853 cambayen ruw Kust - 686,14,8
13863 cambayen geschilderd - 1.494,7
13871 cambayen ruw Kust - 411,3
13877 cambayen ruw Kust - 614
13885 cambayen ruw Kust - 614
13906 cambayen ruw Kust - 614
13943 cambayen ruw Kust - 1.184,10
13949 cambayen ruw Kust - 592,5
13955 cambayen ruw Coromandels - 592,5
13957 cambayen ruw Coromandels - 593,3,8
13985 cambayen Kust - 4.347,8,8
14014 cambayen Kust, tot geschenk voor de phra-klang - 106,15
14133 cambayen fijn, tot geschenk voor de koning van Siam - 219
14271 cambayen ruw Kust - 1.090,1,8
showing results 166-205 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 299.778,14,8 - Indian guilders: 796.332,5,15 - number of results: 365.