Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "benzoë"

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The calculated total value of the results on this screen can give a misleading impression: sometimes the value of a product is not known, because the value is listed only for a group of products taken together. Click here to count only items of which the value is known.

showing results 456-495 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 68.971,17 - Indian guilders: 1.583.958,1 - number of results: 615.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
14089 benzoë voor Malabar - 1.202,6,8
14095 benzoë - 3.915
14105 benzoë - 9.669,7
14120 benzoë - 1.202,6,8
14179 benzoë bariga - 2.301,12,8
14362 benzoë in 27 kasten - 6.256,5,8
14364 benzoë in 50 kasten - 7.866,5
14442 benzoë - 3.691,11
14444 benzoë - 2.055,16
14764 benzoë - 4.868,11
14863 benzoë - 9.317,9
14864 benzoë - 2.518,15
14865 benzoë - 5.158,14,8
14950 benzoë - 1.170,12
14952 benzoë - 479,5
14968 benzoë - 4.868,11
15019 benzoë - 1.171,4
15033 benzoë - 468,16
15041 benzoë - 702,12
15047 benzoë - 468
15055 benzoë - 234,12
15079 benzoë - 27.627,14,8
15080 benzoë - 14.186,14
15143 benzoë extraordinaris wit cabessa - 11.258,1
15195 benzoë - 1.573,10
15197 benzoë - 7.835
15198 benzoë - 1.573,10
15213 benzoë - 1.174,10,8
15214 benzoë - 936,10
15226 benzoë in 17 kasten - 3.910,3,8
15309 benzoë in 10 kasten - 2.346,2
15314 benzoë - 305,8
15332 benzoë - 9.990
15334 benzoë - 4.692
15335 benzoë - 5.303,10
15403 benzoë met ongelden - 1.496,11,8
15427 benzoë - 1.531,10
15452 benzoë - 1.221,17
15457 benzoë - 619,6
15467 benzoë - 619,6
showing results 456-495 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 68.971,17 - Indian guilders: 1.583.958,1 - number of results: 615.