Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "balans"

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The calculated total value of the results on this screen can give a misleading impression: sometimes the value of a product is not known, because the value is listed only for a group of products taken together. Click here to count only items of which the value is known.

showing results 281-320 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 37.324,13 - Indian guilders: 62.276,13 - number of results: 745.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
5415 balans met schalen - 224,15,8
5422 balans - -
5425 balans - 81,11,8
5440 balans 160,2,8 -
5458 balans diverse 65,4,8 -
5465 balans 96,15 -
5487 balans onbekwaam - -
5523 balans 87,8 -
5531 balans 107,10,8 -
5551 balans - -
5567 balans onbekwaam - -
5574 balans met schalen - -
5696 balans - 34,3
5697 balans - 39,8
5724 balans met 2 schalen - 176,13
5755 balans met 2 schalen, voor Padang - 60,14
5762 balans met 2 schalen - 143,10
5783 balans met 2 schalen - 129,2,8
5787 balans - 41,15
5821 balans met 4 schalen - 208,8
5830 balans 21,17 -
5835 balans - 23,16
5837 balans - 23,16
5866 balans - 44,10
5867 balans met 2 schalen - 47,17,8
5868 balans met 2 schalen - 45,3
5869 balans met 2 schalen - 45,4
5883 balans - 54,19,8
5884 balans met 2 schalen - 56,12,8
5903 balans diverse 64,11,8 -
5986 balans met 2 schalen 83,12 -
5988 balans met 2 schalen - 12,15
5990 balans - 23,16,8
6019 balans - 35,12
6039 balans met 2 schalen 125,11 -
6046 balans 41,19 -
6047 balans - 71,4
6048 balans 18,1 -
6050 balans met 2 schalen - 68,11
6053 balans 18,1 -
showing results 281-320 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 37.324,13 - Indian guilders: 62.276,13 - number of results: 745.