Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • ship name = "Petronella Alida"

Search for voyages with these conditions or search again.

The calculated total value of the results on this screen can give a misleading impression: sometimes the value of a product is not known, because the value is listed only for a group of products taken together. Click here to count only items of which the value is known.

showing results 121-160 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 225.138,15 - Indian guilders: 5.447.277,19,8 - number of results: 433.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
13944 zilverdraad - -
13944 samen - 3.046,18
13944 fluweel Hollands - 683,16,8
13944 kruidnagel gekonfijt - 50,17
13944 jucht Moskovisch - 26,11
13944 spiegel - 3.102,16,8
13944 lood in zeugen en schuiten - 1.992
13944 lood in kasten - 87,11,8
13944 koper in platen en bodems - 1.098,18
13944 platlood - 97,10
13944 zink - 1.203
13944 staafkoper Japans - 113.175
13944 kaneel - 950
13944 sandelhout - 485,2
13944 koperkist - 504
13944 gewicht metalen - 38,14
13944 provisie Japans - 224,6
13944 touw zwaar - 6.050
13944 kabeltouw - 1.200
13944 want 5, 6 en 9 duim - 1.280
13944 vijgertouw - 960
13944 zeildoek Hollands - 792
13944 boeileer - 96
13944 teer - 448
13944 zwartsel - 3
13944 werpanker - 311,12,8
13944 anker zwaar - 4.940,1,8
13944 zeilnaald - 4
13944 blik in soort - 40
13944 rotan - 32
13944 masthout 7 palm - 80
13944 ankerstok - 90
13944 djatiplank - 600
13944 djatiduig - 17,10
13944 hoepijzer - 300
13944 smeekolen - 272
13944 nachthuiskompas gemeen - 22
13944 nachtglas van 1/2 uur - 3,4
13944 jijnblok met pokhoutschijf en metalen bus - 80
13944 pompleer - 72
showing results 121-160 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 225.138,15 - Indian guilders: 5.447.277,19,8 - number of results: 433.