Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • ship name = "Hillegonda"

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The calculated total value of the results on this screen can give a misleading impression: sometimes the value of a product is not known, because the value is listed only for a group of products taken together. Click here to count only items of which the value is known.

showing results 648-687 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 462.679,8,8 - Indian guilders: 3.502.376,10 - number of results: 727.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
18303 smeekolen 660 -
18303 riem essenhouten 350 -
18303 pompleer 449,13 -
18303 schoof in soort 2.691,4 -
18303 3 procent op fl. 4.130,17,0 123,18,8 -
18303 kanon ijzeren à 3 lb bals 229,2 -
18303 bas metalen van 2 à 3 lb - -
18303 kamer metalen, tot de bassen - -
18303 samen 2.132,8 -
18303 kast van de kamers 3,10 -
18303 kurk Spaans 46 -
18303 3 procent op fl. 2.403,10,0 72,2 -
18303 lijm Engels 39,1 -
18303 klinkersteen 796,15 -
18303 slijpsteen 516 -
18303 schoenmakersgaren 45 -
18303 3 procent 40,14,8 -
18303 vlees 6.509,5 -
18303 olijfolie 6.000 -
18303 lijnolie 1.125 -
18303 boter 2.997 -
18303 3 procent op fl. 14.658,10,0 439,15 -
18303 ijzer 1.093,15 -
18303 gerfstaal 236,5 -
18303 slotplaat dubbele 125,10 -
18303 spijker in soort 3.992,11 -
18303 3 procent op fl. 5.137,1 155,12 -
18303 wijn Rinse - -
18417 kayirutouw - 2.928
18417 balk in soort - 687,10
18417 rib - 460,10
18417 wisserstok - 85,10
18545 kabeltouw - 830
18545 paardenlijn Hollands - 260
18545 lijn in soort - 24
18545 loodlijn - 14
18545 zeildoek - 120
18545 everdoek - 128
18545 doek grauw - 54
18545 zeildoek smal Bengaals - 75
showing results 648-687 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 462.679,8,8 - Indian guilders: 3.502.376,10 - number of results: 727.