Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • ship name = "Stad Keulen"

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showing results 121-160 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 0 - Indian guilders: 1.146.481,16,8 - number of results: 516.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
13702 cambayen ruw - 756,2,8
13702 alibanees - 716,12,8
13702 stoffen zijden Bengaals - 2.288,15
13702 atchiabanijs - 933,10,8
13702 cottobanijs - 354,3
13702 douriassen - 1.191,19
13702 dasje gebloemd - 1.356,10
13702 gingam taffachelas - 1.194,13
13702 gingam effen - 1.004,19,8
13702 gingam gestreept - 1.391,10,8
13702 gerassen - 2.598,8,8
13702 hammans - 2.333,3
13702 malmal - 8.776,2,8
13702 photas - 154,19
13702 roemaals neusdoeken - 2.315,9,8
13702 terindani - 3.569,6
13702 tansjeebs - 4.689,7
13702 zeildoek ruw - 327,13
13702 sanen - 887
13702 deriabadijs - 138,17
13702 soesjes - 1.248,12,8
13702 armozijn - 15.936,19
13702 cassa Bengaals - 21.271,12,8
13702 sits Patnase - 621,2
13702 allegias zijden - 1.177,9
13702 floretgaren - 874,5
13702 zegellak - 255,10
13702 salmiak - 92,14,8
13702 schellak - 61,16
13702 zijde ruw - 43.953,6
13702 sits geschilderd - 5.563,8
13702 garioffelnagel - 77.600
13702 nootmuskaat - 8.000
13702 foelie macis - 10.164
13702 peper wit - 1.568
13702 staafkoper Japans - 18.600
13702 tin Malaks - 4.500
13702 sapanhout Siamees - 1.800
13702 sapanhout Bimanees - 581,5,8
13702 gomlak - 1.213,5
showing results 121-160 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 0 - Indian guilders: 1.146.481,16,8 - number of results: 516.