Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • ship name = "Handboog"

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showing results 81-120 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 0 - Indian guilders: 1.763.477,5,3 - number of results: 428.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
10489 handspaak met 's lands recht - 22,10,15
11643 malmal - 21.440,15,8
11643 terindani - 4.517,2,8
11643 soesjes - 1.805,12,8
11643 roemaals neusdoeken - 4.533,17,8
11643 milmils - 877,18,8
11643 pinasse cors - 731,18
11643 gingam taffachelas - 6.334,5,8
11643 gingam effen - 6.338,1
11643 gingam pinasse - 1.961,8
11643 amirtje - 1.735,9,8
11643 sanen - 2.095
11643 dorogesje - 2.607
11643 douriassen - 1.404,6
11643 hammans - 5.648,14
11643 gerassen - 10.432,3
11643 photas - 6.621,15
11643 sits - 1.025,4
11643 sjeklassen - 1.218,3
11643 allegias - 3.364,10,8
11643 samen - 1.302,1,8
11643 zeildoek ruw - 386,3
11643 cassa Bengaals - 958,4
11643 borax - 2.471,18,8
11643 schellak - 128,8
11643 catechu - 293,9
11643 zijde ruw - 25.203,12,8
11643 opium - 19.492,5,8
11643 guni lang - 306,15,8
11643 gunizak - 294,19,8
11643 tarwe Bengaals - 1.321,12
11643 boter Bengaals - 435,8,8
11643 was - 2.061,13
11643 zeildoek in soort - 1.918,7
11643 lont - 117,8
11678 foelie macis - 16.508,19,8
11678 nootmuskaat - 10.253,2,8
11678 nootmuskaatolie in koeken - 1.975,5
11678 nootmuskaat gekonfijt - 1.130,17
11678 schildpadhoorn - 237,4
showing results 81-120 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 0 - Indian guilders: 1.763.477,5,3 - number of results: 428.