Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "roet"

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showing results 251-290 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 35.539,8 - Indian guilders: 31.909,17,3 - number of results: 330.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
17270 roet inlands, voor Ceylon 279 -
17271 roet 254,18 -
17273 roet 247,4 -
17278 roet 509,10 -
17279 roet 205,2 -
17281 roet 608,6 -
17289 roet 212,15 -
17294 roet 262,6 -
17295 roet 244,5 -
17297 roet 306,7 -
17300 roet 263,13 -
17309 roet 343,8 -
17333 roet - 50
17383 roet - 30
17386 roet - 25
17393 roet - 5
17400 roet - 12,10
17420 roet - 6,5
17426 roet - 12,10
17456 roet - 975
17459 roet 327,8 -
17463 roet of kalk - 255,3
17480 roet - 518,14
17724 roet - 25
17751 roet - 12,10
17769 roet - 7,10
17870 roet - 1.275,5
17872 roet - 358,6
17876 roet - 40
17879 roet - 20
17899 roet - 20
17906 roet - 10
17908 roet - 90
17919 roet - 50
17932 roet - 192,14
17934 roet - 304,7,8
17935 roet - 299,6
17993 roet - 518,14
17995 roet - 27,12
17996 roet - 64,16
showing results 251-290 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 35.539,8 - Indian guilders: 31.909,17,3 - number of results: 330.