Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "pek"

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showing results 344-383 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 132.867,7 - Indian guilders: 90.418,2,8 - number of results: 463.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
17278 pek 380 -
17281 pek 1.200 -
17282 pek 1.106,5 -
17284 pek 1.440 -
17286 pek 792 -
17287 pek 720 -
17289 pek 1.234,16 -
17291 pek 1.137 -
17294 pek 1.003,15 -
17297 pek 1.085 -
17300 pek 1.290 -
17309 pek 1.968 -
17333 pek - 238
17349 pek - 136
17350 pek - 102
17356 pek - 102
17386 pek - 136
17393 pek - 34
17400 pek - 68
17415 pek - 34
17458 pek 1.257 -
17460 pek 1.507,4 -
17667 pek - 204
17691 pek - 102
17711 pek - 68
17724 pek - 136
17747 pek - 102
17751 pek - 238
17790 pek - 102
17872 pek - 1.024,7
17876 pek - 180
17879 pek - 204
17889 pek - 144
17890 pek - 72
17892 pek - 68
17899 pek - 72
17905 pek - 72
17906 pek - 36
17919 pek - 238
17920 pek - 34
showing results 344-383 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 132.867,7 - Indian guilders: 90.418,2,8 - number of results: 463.