Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "pek"

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showing results 304-343 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 132.867,7 - Indian guilders: 90.418,2,8 - number of results: 463.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
16667 pek - 216
16679 pek - 120
16684 pek - 320
16713 pek - 160
16723 pek - 40
16731 pek 585 -
16736 pek - 144
16740 pek - 36
16762 pek - 40
16771 pek - 80
16776 pek - 360
16778 pek - 288
16780 pek voor de timmerage op Rembang - 160
16785 pek - 216
16902 pek - 180
16926 pek - 843,15
16939 pek - 781,5
16943 pek - 781,5
16950 pek - 960
17005 pek - 204,19,8
17145 pek 272,19 -
17228 pek 400 -
17230 pek 250 -
17235 pek 500 -
17238 pek 500 -
17241 pek 600 -
17250 pek 760 -
17251 pek 500 -
17252 pek 500 -
17253 pek - -
17256 pek 500 -
17260 pek 285 -
17261 pek 500 -
17262 pek 380 -
17263 pek 570 -
17264 pek 760 -
17268 pek 1.600 -
17269 pek 760 -
17270 pek voor Ceylon 650 -
17273 pek 760 -
showing results 304-343 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 132.867,7 - Indian guilders: 90.418,2,8 - number of results: 463.