Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "kurk"

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showing results 26-65 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 6.901,5,8 - Indian guilders: 7.040,3,5 - number of results: 145.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
11619 kurk - 65
11760 kurk - 371,5
11777 kurk - 107,12,8
11780 kurk - 107,12,8
11797 kurk - 1.122,1,8
11886 kurk - 621,2
13135 kurk 83 -
13148 kurk 83 -
13194 kurk - 61,16,8
13264 kurk - 54,1,8
13274 kurk - 516,5
13276 kurk 97 -
13288 kurk Spaans 312,18 -
13292 kurk 96 -
13312 kurk - 54,1
13333 kurk Spaans 31,6 -
13342 kurk 20 -
13366 kurk Spaans 30 -
13391 kurk - 27,10
13408 kurk - 37,10
13415 kurk Spaans 16 -
13901 kurk - 14,6
13979 kurk - 27
13983 kurk - 27
14008 kurk - 14,1,8
14073 kurk - 74
14117 kurk - 30,16
14140 kurk - 67,10
14142 kurk - 38
14269 kurk - 23,2
14306 kurk - 12,16,8
14343 kurk - 7,14
14352 kurk - 7,14
14360 kurk - 30,16
14455 kurk - 37,7,8
14457 kurk - 40,10
14501 kurk - 57,18,8
14552 kurk - 7,6
14639 kurk - 7,14
14641 kurk - 7,14
showing results 26-65 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 6.901,5,8 - Indian guilders: 7.040,3,5 - number of results: 145.