Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "djatiplank"

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showing results 81-120 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 9.929,13,8 - Indian guilders: 152.579,2,4 - number of results: 443.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
11416 djatiplank - 211,10
11417 djatiplank - 211,10
11700 djatiplank gezaagd, van 1 1/2 duim - 1.537,10
11707 djatiplank gezaagd, van 1 tot 3 duim - 1.621,4,8
12097 djatiplank met 2 procent Bataviase ongelden - 214,4
12099 djatiplank duims - 47,5
12104 djatiplank - 212
12114 djatiplank 2 1/2, 1 1/2 en 1 duim - 201
12114 djatiplank 1 1/2 duim - 147
12154 djatiplank - 650
12156 djatiplank 3 duim - 37,10
12158 djatiplank 1 1/2 duim - 50,8
12365 djatiplank - 650
12647 djatiplank - 325
12746 djatiplank - 331,10
12748 djatiplank - 331,10
12801 djatiplank - 17,10
12933 djatiplank gezaagd - 2.240,19
12934 djatiplank - 488,18,8
12943 djatiplank - 13,17,8
12944 djatiplank - 8,6,8
12945 djatiplank - 8,6,8
12946 djatiplank - 8,6,8
12973 djatiplank - 382,10
12974 djatiplank - 382,10
13139 djatiplank 1 1/2 duim - 105
13152 djatiplank - 408
13153 djatiplank - 408
13265 djatiplank - 210
13266 djatiplank - 151
13285 djatiplank 1 1/2 duim - 63
13286 djatiplank - 147
13290 djatiplank 1 1/2 duim - 115,10
13319 djatiplank - 84
13320 djatiplank - 84
13322 djatiplank - 37,16
13334 djatiplank - 25,4
13336 djatiplank - 87,10
13338 djatiplank - 42
13349 djatiplank 1 1/2 duim - 42
showing results 81-120 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 9.929,13,8 - Indian guilders: 152.579,2,4 - number of results: 443.