Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "chelas"

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showing results 121-160 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 1.033.510,4 - Indian guilders: 1.482.972,18,8 - number of results: 411.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
4279 chelas 12.640,16 -
4308 chelas geruit - 11.493,12
4492 chelas 541,13 -
4565 chelas geruit Kust - 3.241,19
4565 chelas Surats - 6.787,17,8
4567 chelas Kust in soort - 794,17
4568 chelas geruit Kust - 2.578,16
4568 chelas Surats - 5.952
4569 chelas geruit - 4.199,15
4569 chelas Surats - 6.787,17,8
4570 chelas - 8.899,8
4571 chelas geruit - 971,17
4572 chelas geruit - 1.586,19
4574 chelas Kust - 8.057,18
4576 chelas - 1.008,16
4576 chelas Bengaals - 358,7,8
4577 chelas - 1.621
4577 chelas Surats - 5.557,2,8
4578 chelas - 1.620,19,8
4578 chelas Bengaals - 4.527
4580 chelas - 2.806,16,8
4581 chelas geruit in soort - 843,11,8
4583 chelas - 2.795,1,8
4584 chelas Surats - 3.280,10
4588 chelas Kust in soort - 814,8,8
4588 chelas Bengaals - 358,8
4589 chelas geruit Kust - 1.620,19,8
4589 chelas Surats - 2.326,10
4591 chelas Surats - 2.326,10
4597 chelas 289 -
4603 chelas geruit diverse 7.908,15 -
4604 chelas geruit 3.466,2,8 -
4607 chelas - 1.620,19,8
4607 chelas Surats - 2.253
4621 chelas geruit tot monster diverse 1.155,7,8 -
4622 chelas in soort 3.792,10 -
4624 chelas geruit diverse 9.523,11,8 -
4699 chelas geruit - 1.620,19,8
4728 chelas Surats - 332,9
4778 chelas 1.477,5,8 -
showing results 121-160 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 1.033.510,4 - Indian guilders: 1.482.972,18,8 - number of results: 411.