Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "catechu"

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showing results 60-99 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 58.852,14 - Indian guilders: 112.388,9,8 - number of results: 179.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
4584 catechu Surats - 212,12,8
4589 catechu Surats - 189
4591 catechu Surats - 189
4607 catechu Surats - 189
4700 catechu Surats - 578,15,8
4701 catechu Surats - 455,19
4755 catechu Surats - 3.648,17
4781 catechu Surats 1.245 -
5067 catechu - 1.827
5092 catechu Surats 622,10 -
5093 catechu Surats 622,10 -
5150 catechu Surats - 1.141,17
5175 catechu - 685,3
5250 catechu 286,16 -
5255 catechu 124,10 -
5287 catechu Surats - 198,9
5289 catechu Surats - 1.811,5
5397 catechu - 1.063,2,8
5568 catechu 1.025,2 -
5787 catechu Surats, in 4 kisten - 206,5
6047 catechu Surats - 1.063,2,8
6066 catechu Surats 512,11 -
6077 catechu Surabajaas 512,11 -
6096 catechu voor patria 393,6 -
6166 catechu 1.958,8 -
6184 catechu - 1.417,10
6194 catechu - 708,15
6195 catechu - 708,15
6261 catechu Surats - 685,2,8
6291 catechu 1.366,16 -
6302 catechu 683,8 -
6686 catechu Surats - 342,11
6703 catechu Surats - 342,11,8
7211 catechu - 324,9
7212 catechu - 324,9
7675 catechu - 2.009,2
7839 catechu Surats - 1.493,17,8
7965 catechu - 191,5,8
7967 catechu Surats - 248,16,8
7971 catechu Surats - 319,17
showing results 60-99 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 58.852,14 - Indian guilders: 112.388,9,8 - number of results: 179.