Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "catechu"

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showing results 20-59 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 58.852,14 - Indian guilders: 112.388,9,8 - number of results: 179.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
3242 catechu 983,14 -
3244 catechu 87,1,8 -
3269 catechu 1.425,9 -
3273 catechu 203,13 -
3275 catechu 407,6 -
3305 catechu 630,9 -
3308 catechu Surats 630,9 -
3605 catechu 3.366 -
3609 catechu 1.726,17 -
3610 catechu 504,7 -
3611 catechu 1.134,16 -
3738 catechu - 985,19
3850 catechu Surats - 171
3851 catechu Surats - 128,5
3860 catechu Surats - 128,5
3870 catechu Surats - 42,15
3871 catechu Surats - 42,15
3872 catechu Surats - 42,15
3873 catechu Surats - 42,15
3942 catechu Surats - 985,19
3989 catechu 1.980 -
4137 catechu - 2.457
4151 catechu - 1.710
4157 catechu - 855
4172 catechu 688,16 -
4174 catechu 688,16 -
4179 catechu 344,8 -
4181 catechu 344,8 -
4203 catechu Surats 491,17 -
4208 catechu Surats 491,17 -
4270 catechu 1.967,8 -
4278 catechu 2.162,5 -
4279 catechu 1.506,9 -
4313 catechu - 855
4322 catechu - 1.912,1
4565 catechu - 378
4568 catechu Surats - 444,7,8
4569 catechu Surats - 378
4577 catechu voor de emballage - 212,12,8
4578 catechu Surats - 212,12,8
showing results 20-59 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 58.852,14 - Indian guilders: 112.388,9,8 - number of results: 179.