Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "calaturshout"

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showing results 665-704 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 138.408,19 - Indian guilders: 657.401,1,2 - number of results: 824.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
16034 calaturshout - 555
16039 calaturshout - 1.387,10
16062 calaturshout klein - 2.367,17
16063 calaturshout - 382,11
16070 calaturshout Kust - 22,16,8
16080 calaturshout - 362,12
16090 calaturshout - 412,19
16216 calaturshout - 1.584,18
16217 calaturshout - 1.493,17
16289 calaturshout - 1.027,14
16305 calaturshout - 1.337,19,8
16306 calaturshout - 796,16,8
16324 calaturshout - 276
16426 calaturshout - 460
16432 calaturshout - 276
16439 calaturshout - 184
16441 calaturshout - 184
16442 calaturshout - 276
16444 calaturshout - 362,16,8
16448 calaturshout - 230
16458 calaturshout - 230
16459 calaturshout - 368
16461 calaturshout - 365,16
16465 calaturshout - 92
16466 calaturshout Kust - 901,4
16467 calaturshout - 115
16469 calaturshout - 365,16
16474 calaturshout - 207
16479 calaturshout - 115
16480 calaturshout - 92
16484 calaturshout - 115
16485 calaturshout Kust - 1.283,4
16537 calaturshout - 688,10
16540 calaturshout - 1.678,8
16545 calaturshout - 688,10
16606 calaturshout aan 800 stukken - 559,12
16607 calaturshout aan 813 stukken - 670,4
16608 calaturshout aan 730 stukken - 549,5
16610 calaturshout groot - 2.417,16
16610 calaturshout klein - 797,2,8
showing results 665-704 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 138.408,19 - Indian guilders: 657.401,1,2 - number of results: 824.