Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "calaturshout"

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showing results 625-664 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 138.408,19 - Indian guilders: 657.401,1,2 - number of results: 824.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
14946 calaturshout - 444,12,8
14963 calaturshout - 558,12
15003 calaturshout - 1.130,10
15004 calaturshout Kust - 2.088,1
15016 calaturshout - 900
15025 calaturshout - 1.068,19
15027 calaturshout - 1.050
15045 calaturshout - 1.050,7
15070 calaturshout - 1.350
15177 calaturshout - 780,8
15184 calaturshout - 780,8
15213 calaturshout - 411,11,8
15214 calaturshout Kust - 32,16,8
15226 calaturshout - 845
15232 calaturshout - 918,5
15240 calaturshout - 780,8
15279 calaturshout - 195,2
15287 calaturshout - 195,2
15295 calaturshout - 195,1,8
15305 calaturshout - 195,1,8
15306 calaturshout - 636,1
15309 calaturshout - 676
15316 calaturshout - 1.706,1
15483 calaturshout - 636,1
15718 calaturshout - 2.593,4
15720 calaturshout - 969,2
15841 calaturshout - 2.609,1
15899 calaturshout Kust - 396,2
15901 calaturshout - 1.026,17,8
15903 calaturshout - 977,18,8
15904 calaturshout - 874,13,8
15908 calaturshout Kust - 396,2,8
15931 calaturshout klein, aan 3.350 stuks - 1.970,4
15932 calaturshout klein - 1.664,15
15933 calaturshout - 699,9
15934 calaturshout - 813,13,8
16004 calaturshout - 388,10
16012 calaturshout - 555
16015 calaturshout - 721,10
16031 calaturshout - 555
showing results 625-664 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 138.408,19 - Indian guilders: 657.401,1,2 - number of results: 824.