Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "bherms"

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showing results 161-200 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 88.008,9,8 - Indian guilders: 854.479,5 - number of results: 280.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
13691 bherms breed - 822,9
13695 bherms breed - 822,9
13702 bherms - 1.261,1
13733 bherms breed - 1.233,13,8
13733 bherms smal - 438,11,8
13740 bherms - 411,4,8
13747 bherms breed - 411,4,8
13754 bherms breed - 411,4,8
13760 bherms breed - 411,4,8
13796 bherms Surats - 882,8
13825 bherms breed Surats - 457,14
13831 bherms Surats - 950,11,8
13853 bherms Surats - 882,8
13885 bherms Surats - 661,16
13902 bherms Surats - 441,4
13906 bherms Surats - 441,4
13910 bherms Surats - 441,4
13943 bherms breed Surats - 2.573,5
13943 bherms smal Surats - 455,6
13948 bherms breed Surats - 1.715,10
13949 bherms breed Surats - 1.286,12,8
13949 bherms smal Surats - 455,6,8
13955 bherms breed Surats - 1.715,10
13955 bherms smal Surats - 455,6,8
13957 bherms breed Surats - 1.286,13
13961 bherms breed Surats - 857,15
13965 bherms breed Surats - 857,15
13968 bherms breed Surats - 428,17,8
13971 bherms breed Surats - 1.286,12,8
13989 bherms Surats - 441,4
14081 bherms - 20.840,19,8
14338 bherms in soort, in 36 pakken - 15.354,7
14861 bherms breed - 13.948,2,8
14861 bherms smal - 1.355,17,8
14950 bherms breed Surats - 1.722,8
14950 bherms smal Surats - 919,2
14952 bherms breed Surats - 1.722,8
15019 bherms breed Surats - 1.291,16
15019 bherms smal Surats - 459,11
15025 bherms breed Surats - 1.722,8
showing results 161-200 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 88.008,9,8 - Indian guilders: 854.479,5 - number of results: 280.