Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "bherms"

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showing results 121-160 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 88.008,9,8 - Indian guilders: 854.479,5 - number of results: 280.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
11725 bherms breed - 882,8
11725 bherms smal - 940,11
11726 bherms Surats, in soort - 3.587,15
11727 bherms Surats - 3.589,8
11728 bherms diverse Surats - 4.911,7
11729 bherms Surats, in soort - 2.264,3
11732 bherms Surats, in soort - 3.146,13
11733 bherms Surats, in soort - 1.822,19
11735 bherms Surats, in soort - 1.793,17,8
11737 bherms Surats, in soort - 1.352,13,8
11739 bherms Surats, in soort - 911,9,8
11744 bherms Surats - 1.823,10
11927 bherms in soort - 2.843,14
12094 bherms Surats, in soort - 977,9,8
12101 bherms Surats - 466,11
12122 bherms breed Surats - 466,11
12130 bherms breed Surats - 466,11
12135 bherms breed Bengaals - 466,11,8
12148 bherms Surats - 2.389,10
12153 bherms Surats - 937,1
12249 bherms Bengaals - 468,18,8
12288 bherms breed Bengaals - 468,18,8
12344 bherms - 424,14,8
12349 bherms Surats - 468,18,8
12353 bherms Surats - 904,19,8
12396 bherms Surats 424,14,8 -
12505 bherms - 452
12544 bherms - 451,19,8
12629 bherms breed Surats - 424,14,8
12777 bherms - 491,15,8
13077 bherms in soort - 3.301,19
13083 bherms breed - 1.404,17
13372 bherms - 867,7,8
13407 bherms - 20.840,19,8
13445 bherms breed - 11.485,5,8
13533 bherms breed - 12.917,16,8
13533 bherms smal - 1.378,13
13668 bherms Surats - 915,8,8
13672 bherms Surats - 1.440,7,8
13686 bherms Surats - 950,11
showing results 121-160 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 88.008,9,8 - Indian guilders: 854.479,5 - number of results: 280.