Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "benzoë"

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showing results 81-120 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 68.971,17 - Indian guilders: 1.583.958,1 - number of results: 615.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
4578 benzoë wit - 190,16
4580 benzoë - 67,18
4583 benzoë - 67,18
4584 benzoë ordinaris wit - 114,10
4588 benzoë - 67,18
4589 benzoë ordinaris wit - 114,9,8
4591 benzoë ordinaris wit - 76,6,8
4607 benzoë wit - 76,6,8
4660 benzoë - 2.499,3,8
4664 benzoë wit - 2.499,3,8
4700 benzoë - 999,13,8
4701 benzoë - 999,13,8
4755 benzoë - 62,12
4785 benzoë 2.104,8 -
4903 benzoë 1.214,4,8 -
4911 benzoë extraordinaris wit - 61,3,8
4911 benzoë ordinaris wit - 2.421,11
4912 benzoë 1.206,11 -
4914 benzoë 1.206,11 -
4915 benzoë 1.948,6 -
4916 benzoë 928,2 -
4935 benzoë 835,6 -
4936 benzoë 1.976,18 -
4937 benzoë 464,1 -
4938 benzoë 464,2 -
4939 benzoë 464,1 -
4940 benzoë 464,1 -
5292 benzoë - 28.715,10,8
5404 benzoë - 20.478,14
5569 benzoë 258,10,8 -
5619 benzoë - 864,8
5625 benzoë - 617,16,8
5626 benzoë - 840
5631 benzoë - 84
5636 benzoë - 495,17,8
5640 benzoë - 579,18
5642 benzoë - 420
5647 benzoë - 420
5651 benzoë - 420
5652 benzoë - 168
showing results 81-120 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 68.971,17 - Indian guilders: 1.583.958,1 - number of results: 615.