Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "floretgaren"

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showing results 121-160 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 3.458,1 - Indian guilders: 2.338.262,6,8 - number of results: 248.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
15322 floretgaren - 30.100,17,8
15427 floretgaren Bengaals - 11.909,2
15452 floretgaren Bengaals - 10.166,8,8
15457 floretgaren Bengaals - 7.766,19,8
15467 floretgaren Bengaals - 7.962,10,8
15471 floretgaren Bengaals - 7.833,17
15477 floretgaren Bengaals - 8.843,15,8
15692 floretgaren Bengaals, in 7 balen - 2.826,19
15693 floretgaren Bengaals, in 13 balen - 5.250,1,8
15724 floretgaren - 4.850,1,8
15725 floretgaren - 19.079,11
15981 floretgaren Bengaals - 12.463,6
16000 floretgaren Bengaals - 7.438,19
16006 floretgaren Bengaals - 10.120,6,8
16015 floretgaren Bengaals - 2.479,13
16019 floretgaren Bengaals - 2.479,13
16028 floretgaren Bengaals - 3.537,17,8
16033 floretgaren Bengaals - 3.581,17
16070 floretgaren Bengaals - 5.566,4
16090 floretgaren Bengaals - 10.488,1,8
16111 floretgaren Bengaals - 4.695,1,8
16221 floretgaren - 69.158,8,8
16226 floretgaren - 12.946,6
16227 floretgaren - 17.963,18
16324 floretgaren Bengaals - 8.956,11
16325 floretgaren - 26.133,10
16326 floretgaren - 26.769,4
16426 floretgaren Bengaals - 8.985,8
16432 floretgaren Bengaals - 7.600,5
16439 floretgaren Bengaals - 5.770,1
16441 floretgaren Bengaals - 7.833,14
16442 floretgaren Bengaals - 5.675,16
16448 floretgaren Bengaals - 7.106,15
16458 floretgaren Bengaals - 7.575,5
16459 floretgaren Bengaals - 7.555,3,8
16465 floretgaren Bengaals - 3.284,11
16467 floretgaren Bengaals - 1.954,14
16474 floretgaren Bengaals - 5.205,4,8
16479 floretgaren Bengaals - 1.920,18
16480 floretgaren Bengaals - 3.284,4
showing results 121-160 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 3.458,1 - Indian guilders: 2.338.262,6,8 - number of results: 248.