Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • departure region = Timor

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The calculated total value of the results on this screen can give a misleading impression: sometimes the value of a product is not known, because the value is listed only for a group of products taken together. Click here to count only items of which the value is known.

showing results 441-480 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 657.588,17 - Indian guilders: 755.597,14,2 - number of results: 495.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
15760 samen - -
16098 was aan 18 stuks - 481,13,8
16098 slangenhout ongetaxeerd - -
16098 katjang groen - 1.479
16098 slaaf mannelijke - 390
16098 slaaf vrouwelijke - 60
16366 sandelhout - 960
16366 slaaf mannelijke - 234
16366 katjang groen - 114
16366 was - 367,16
16367 goud bij gewicht - 1.061,12,8
16367 sandelhout - 2.402,17,8
16367 slaaf mannelijke - 624
16367 katjang groen - 48
16367 was - 1.806,10
16367 ambachtsgereedschap onbekwaam ongetaxeerd - -
17059 goud wegend 98 realen en 36 condrin - 3.604,12
17059 was - 9.842,1
17059 sandelhout - 4.919,16
17059 katjang groen - 1.544,5
17059 lijfeigene - 192
17672 goud - 1.904,8
17672 contanten - 3.154,5
17672 was - 4.713,11,8
17672 katjang groen - 2.654,9,8
17672 lijfeigene in soort - 438
17786 lijfeigene in soort - 3.153
17786 was - 8.591,5
17786 katjang groen - 5.481
17786 in aanrekening - 976
18031 goud 18 realen en 34 condrin zwaarte - -
18031 was - -
18031 sandelhout - -
18031 katjang groen - -
18031 slangenhout ongetaxeerd - -
18239 goud van 97 realen en 4 condrins zwaarte - 3.213,8,8
18239 was - 6.849,13
18239 sandelhout - 5.418,15
18239 katjang groen - 2.077,17
18239 lijfeigene - 1.020
showing results 441-480 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 657.588,17 - Indian guilders: 755.597,14,2 - number of results: 495.