Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • departure place = Bimlipatam

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The calculated total value of the results on this screen can give a misleading impression: sometimes the value of a product is not known, because the value is listed only for a group of products taken together. Click here to count only items of which the value is known.

showing results 37-76 - first - previous - next - last
total value Dutch guilders: 0 - Indian guilders: 2.247.917,18,4 - number of results: 116.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
8474 pakkage-ongelden - 1.530
8474 ongelden 1 1/2 procent op koopmanschappen - 740,3
8474 interest 4 procent - 1.973,6,8
8474 specerijengruis en stof - -
8846 guinees in soort - 335.511,2,8
8846 salempuris in soort - 6.729,18,8
8846 dongris in soort - 479,6,8
8846 zeildoek in soort - 3.845,10,8
8846 bethilles in soort - 250,5
8846 roggenvel - 96
8846 tuinzaad - 390,6
8846 cortex calamus sicca - 72
8846 kamilleplant - 14,8
8846 ezel - -
8846 ezelin - -
8846 samen - 40
8846 pakkage-ongelden - 10.522,12,8
8846 provisiepenningen - 5.260,18,8
8846 ongelden op koopmanszaken - 9.677,16
8846 interest - 17.291,2
10686 guinees in soort - 84.004,16
10686 roggenvel - 144
10686 paklak - 75,16
10686 cortex calamus sicca - 48
10686 kamillebloem - 40,16
10686 provisiepenningen - 2.838,7,8
10686 interest - 4.200,5
10686 pakkage-ongelden - 2.920,14
10686 ongelden op koopmanszaken - 1.260,1,8
11078 dongris - 672,5,8
11078 guinees in soort - 135.587,11,8
11078 parcallen - 784,11
11078 salempuris - 27.457,17
11078 vloersteen arduinen - 667,2,8
11078 medicamenten - 103
11385 guinees in soort - 111.733,16
11385 gomlak - 2.601,16
11385 pakkage-ongelden - 4.145,5
11385 ongelden op koopmanschappen - 1.676,8
11385 provisiepenningen - 3.740,2,8
showing results 37-76 - first - previous - next - last
total value Dutch guilders: 0 - Indian guilders: 2.247.917,18,4 - number of results: 116.