Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • booking year = 1775/1776

Search for voyages with these conditions or search again.

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showing results 2.796-2.835 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 21.163.763,8 - Indian guilders: 0 - number of results: 2.875.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
2973 koffieboon 20.410 -
2973 peper 37.431,6 -
2973 sapanhout 618,15 -
2973 spijker 2,7,8 -
2973 ijzer Hollands 2,17 -
2973 pakgaren 18,6 -
2973 guinees in soort 206.481,18 -
2973 salempuris 54.156,11 -
2973 baftas 1.875,3,8 -
2973 roemaals chela 113.622,7,8 -
2973 neusdoek 7.415,18 -
2973 bethilles 93.253,11 -
2973 sits 23.480,7,8 -
2973 dongris 147,17,8 -
2973 guni 54,5 -
2973 chelas 10.189,10 -
2973 emballage 2.851,15,8 -
2973 materiaal 989,19,8 -
2973 ongelden op koopmanszaken 8.887,5 -
2977 koffieboon 20.818,4 -
2977 peper 37.884,2 -
2977 sapanhout 631,2,8 -
2977 pakgaren 33,15 -
2977 guinees in soort 219.043,8,8 -
2977 salempuris 19.036,19 -
2977 baftas 2.834,12,8 -
2977 bethilles 49.668,10 -
2977 otisaal 9.745,17,8 -
2977 sits 18.900 -
2977 calaturshout 1.495,8 -
2977 dongris 266 -
2977 guni 94,13,8 -
2977 wasdoek 336,19 -
2977 kanon metalen 3.322,16 -
2977 materiaal 207,18 -
2977 emballage 3.691,17,8 -
2977 ongelden op koopmanszaken 4.930,17,8 -
2981 bethilles 2.919,10,8 -
2981 emballage 22 -
2981 ongelden op koopmanszaken 44,2,8 -
showing results 2.796-2.835 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 21.163.763,8 - Indian guilders: 0 - number of results: 2.875.