Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • booking year = 1766/1767

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showing results 3.015-3.054 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 0 - Indian guilders: 32.701.576,10 - number of results: 3.054.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
4180 riviersteen - 252
4180 emballage - 3.877,8,8
4180 tol 2 1/2 procent - 6.497,17
4180 interest 7 procent - 22.860,8
4180 ongelden 3 procent op koopmanschappen - 9.819,13
4180 ongelden Patnase - 3.134,1
4188 moghtazijde - 9.298,17,8
4188 roemaals - 20.725,16
4188 baftas - 7.591,3,8
4188 cassa - 51.307,3,8
4188 dosooty - 8.918,1,8
4188 dongris - 2.879,7,8
4188 armozijn - 21.872,14,8
4188 atlas - 654,9,8
4188 bandana - 21.822,5
4188 sjappa - 12.930,17
4188 sjappa sarries - 8.161,19
4188 amirtje - 1.727,19
4188 deriabadijs - 3.848,5,8
4188 lacorijns - 2.407,3,8
4188 tuckeries - 1.012,12,8
4188 sollogesjes - 1.233,10
4188 sanen - 1.741,13
4188 sittaras - 250,16
4188 sits Patnase - 807,16
4188 guinees - 29.812,8
4188 salempuris - 28.641,9,8
4188 gerassen - 9.547,6
4188 hammans - 2.272,1
4188 malmal - 6.327,2,8
4188 terindani - 7.642,18
4188 douriassen - 16.866,18,8
4188 soesjes - 13.610,13
4188 saai sichtermans - 1.682,12,8
4188 kharradherry - 665
4188 emballage - 4.010,8,8
4188 tol 2 1/2 procent - 6.381,15,8
4188 interest 7 procent - 20.477,8
4188 ongelden 3 procent op koopmanschappen - 8.776,8
4188 ongelden Patnase - 1.158,10
showing results 3.015-3.054 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 0 - Indian guilders: 32.701.576,10 - number of results: 3.054.