Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • booking year = 1723/1724

Search for voyages with these conditions or search again.

The calculated total value of the results on this screen can give a misleading impression: sometimes the value of a product is not known, because the value is listed only for a group of products taken together. Click here to count only items of which the value is known.

showing results 7.327-7.366 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 919.882,19 - Indian guilders: 40.613.966,13,8 - number of results: 7.606.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
14621 ongelden - 36
14624 rib bayenhouten - 516
14625 plank bayenhouten, van 1 1/2 duim - 140,12,8
14625 mopsteen - 405
14625 ongelden - 54
14627 plank bayenhouten in soort - 472,10
14627 mopsteen - 229,10
14627 ongelden - 36
14629 plank bayenhouten in soort - 543,15
14629 mopsteen - 135
14629 ongelden - 36
14697 plank bayenhouten in soort - 474,7,8
14697 mopsteen - 67,10
14697 ongelden - 36
14697 in aanrekening - 25,12,8
14698 rib bayenhouten - 150
14698 lat bayenhouten - 187,10
14698 mopsteen - 135
14698 ongelden - 36
14698 in aanrekening - 22,2
14699 rijst - 26.025
14700 parelmoerschelp - 1,10
14700 schildpadhoorn - 140,12,8
14700 noot gekonfijt - 2.651,4
14700 notenolie in koeken - 6.838,5
14700 nootmuskaat gesorteerd - 36.331,4
14700 foelie macis - 8.372,13
14700 in aanrekening - 1.514,15
14701 klok metalen van 130 lb - 48,15
14701 scheerbekken - -
14701 kandelaar - -
14701 samen wegend 2 3/4 lb - 16,10
14702 goud van 11 realen en 27 condrin - 362,8
14702 sandelhout - 3.570
14702 was - 7.200,6
14702 katjang groen - 1.044
14702 lijfeigene - 774
14702 gewicht metalen van 591 3/4 lb - 498,6
14702 slangenhout - -
14703 realen Spaans - 1.012,10
showing results 7.327-7.366 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 919.882,19 - Indian guilders: 40.613.966,13,8 - number of results: 7.606.