Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • booking year = 1712/1713

Search for voyages with these conditions or search again.

The calculated total value of the results on this screen can give a misleading impression: sometimes the value of a product is not known, because the value is listed only for a group of products taken together. Click here to count only items of which the value is known.

showing results 121-160 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 1.046.279,2 - Indian guilders: 31.523.889,4,2 - number of results: 7.440.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
15650 kroonrassen - 1.294,5
15650 polemiten - 1.587,8
15650 spiegel - 126,4
15650 balans - 236,18
15650 brandewijn - 324,9
15650 barnsteen - 3.254,3
15650 cochenille - 2.484,3,8
15650 lood in kasten - 53,19
15650 koper in platen en bodems - 1.987,6
15650 goteling ijzeren wegend 1.782 lb - 206,10,8
15650 slijpsteen 4 à 5 voet - 41,4
15650 smeekolen 465 -
15650 pek - -
15650 teer - -
15650 samen 1.005 -
15650 touw zwaar 9.189,14 -
15650 loodlijn in soort 109,6 -
15650 zeildoek in soort 3.180 -
15650 leggerschoof 1.560 -
15650 verf in soort 1.054 -
15650 wijn Rinse 1.565,12 -
15650 sekwijn 1.277,4 -
15650 azijn 103 -
15650 vlees 13.596 -
15650 bier Haantjes- 2.060 -
15650 bier Swaantjes- 2.060 -
15650 mom 772,10 -
15650 boter Fries 3.460,16 -
15650 tintwijn 98,17,8 -
15650 vlees voor Ceylon 3.090 -
15650 ijzer in soort 10.305,15 -
15650 spijker in soort 1.528,16 -
15650 dommekracht 371,16 -
15650 's lands recht 3 procent 831,9,8 -
15654 smeekolen - 283,15
15654 staafijzer in soort, aan 1.042 staven - 3.921,4
15657 paiement Nederlands - 157.500
15657 laken - 1.244,4
15657 kroonrassen - 1.695,12,8
15657 polemiten - 1.256,5
showing results 121-160 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 1.046.279,2 - Indian guilders: 31.523.889,4,2 - number of results: 7.440.