Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • booking year = 1708/1709

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The calculated total value of the results on this screen can give a misleading impression: sometimes the value of a product is not known, because the value is listed only for a group of products taken together. Click here to count only items of which the value is known.

showing results 121-160 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 928.733,2,8 - Indian guilders: 30.498.069,19,8 - number of results: 7.498.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
16135 lood in kasten - 55,2
16135 lood in zeugen en schuiten - 6.967,1
16135 lont - 1.101,9
16135 papier groot mediaan - 654,1
16135 smeekolen 384 -
16135 harpuis 1.505,14 -
16135 pek 1.365 -
16135 teer 1.365 -
16135 vat 980 -
16135 touwwerk diverse 13.352,12 -
16135 zeildoek in soort 6.337 -
16135 mos 28 -
16135 leggerschoof 1.160 -
16135 klinkersteen 100 -
16135 krijt wit 33 -
16135 spek 7.354,4 -
16135 sekwijn 10.217,12 -
16135 wijn Rinse 1.483,4 -
16135 olijfolie 1.236 -
16135 wijn Rinse, voor haar edelen - -
16135 spijker diverse, in 70 vaten 4.695,16 -
16135 ijzer aan 1.049 staven 3.040,18 -
16135 's lands recht 3 procent 1.030,8,8 -
16135 in aanrekening - 17
16149 zilver baar - 59.079,6
16149 dukatons - 128.520
16149 dukaten - 63.976,11,8
16149 barkan - 4.725,2,8
16149 fluweel - 2.910,14,8
16149 grein - 919,3
16149 laken - 14.509,2
16149 lakenrassen - 1.097,13
16149 polemiten - 1.643,7,8
16149 glaswerk - 230,13
16149 barnsteen 7.456 pees - 15.427,16,8
16149 barnsteengruis tot proef - 10
16149 lood in zeugen en schuiten - 4.675,18,8
16149 lood in kasten - 241,3
16149 platlood - 600,10
16149 brandewijn - 463,10
showing results 121-160 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 928.733,2,8 - Indian guilders: 30.498.069,19,8 - number of results: 7.498.